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Get Extra 5% Off On Your First Purchase, Use Code NINO5 | Free Delivery On Orders Above Rs. 800

Get Extra 5% Off On Your First Purchase, Use Code NINO5 | Free Delivery On Orders Above Rs. 800

First 20 Days Baby Essentials

First 20 Days Baby Essentials

During the first 20 days home with your baby some things will come dreadfully naturally, others may not. To assist you get off to a good start, we created this quick guide for navigating the baby essentials.

First 20 Days

During the first 20 days, knowing how to take care of your newborn baby can make most recently full of fun and thrill and lead to minimal stress. We are here to assist you get off to a good start with a simple list of baby care tips for new moms!


Your newborn can feel delicate and frail to you, other than don’t be fearful to touch hold her! Actually, studies show that babies who are held for more than 2 hours per day thrive better and cry less. No infant care guide can be total without this precious recommendation!

Remember: Your newborn’s neck muscles are not yet developed, thus you will must to support her head when on earth you pick her up. You must also support her head against your shoulder or with your opposite hand while carrying her.


Baby care after birth always involves bathing your baby, which is one of the main challenges for a new mother. Learn how to give your baby a bath and confirm you have all of the bathing supplies ready before she arrives so you don’t have to miss out on a moment with your new tot. Go for a gentle cleanser formulated for babies, like baby Wash. If your baby has more hair, you might try a gentle shampoo, like Baby Shampoo. Don’t be afraid to quietly wash the soft spot on your baby's head.

How to select Products for Your Newborn

Parenting guidelines for babies are incomplete without guidelines on how to select the right baby products. An ideal baby product must not be harsh on your baby’s skin or eyes, dry out your baby’s skin or disrupt the skin’s normal barrier. A baby product must be

Gentle, Safe and mild, Safety is an irony when you are dealing with skin as delicate as that of your baby’s. It is expected that any product which claims to be especially a baby product would be safe for baby skin.

It must be tested for allergies: Allergens are widespread which means that no material can be said to be entirely free of any allergic reactions. On the other hand, for a product to be careful as a baby product, it should be tested and have proved negative for any allergic tendencies. In other words it should be “Clinically Proven Mild”.

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Diaper Change

Many first-time parents are surprised at how many diapers their baby goes through in a day. To make life easier for yourself, store plenty of diapers earlier than you bring your baby home. It’s also helpful to learn how to change your baby’s diaper ahead of time.

As well, be prepared for nappy rashes as mainly children aged 0-2 years expand a diaper rash in some way. At what time you see the first sign of redness, apply a safe yet effectual zinc oxide based cream on the diaper area like Baby Diaper Rash Cream.


Most babies cry for a normal of 2 hours a day during the first 3 months. As shocking as it can be, it’s also common.

To comfort your baby, first try to decide the cause of your baby’s anxiety. Is your baby hungry? Does she have gas? Does her diaper require changing? Is it time for a nap? Is your baby over-stimulated by noise, lights or movement? A host of simple guidelines on how to handle a newborn baby can help you manage the condition with minimal panic. Your natural motherly instincts will also come into play without you still noticing!


To help soothe a drowsy or over-stimulated baby, hold her on your shoulder while gently rocking her. Sing or speak softly to your baby—restore confidence her with your calm voice. Rubbing your baby’s back as you do so can as well help calm her. Try dissimilar positions to find one that’s at ease for both of you.


Something else to think: Your baby doesn’t have much mobility in the first few weeks and can cry for assist if she is lying painfully in the crib. You can help your baby get happy by gently shifting her position. For safety though, forever place your baby on her back while sleeping.


The First 20 Days Can signify So Much More

By age three, 90% of your baby’s brain is developed; every experience leading up to this time helps to shape your baby’s brain. Multisensory experiences that are recurring, predictable, consistent and nurturing can assist your little one’s healthy development.

So don’t worry too much about whether you’re doing things “right”! What matters most is that you spend a lot of time with your new little one while engaging her sense of touch and smell, thus helping the two of you bond, while nurturing her growth.

Baby Massage

 Research has shown that massages can relax babies, improve their sleep patterns and calm them when they are irritable. Giving your baby a massage is also a great way to bond with her, and it’s super-easy too! For this, use a safe and mild oil like Baby Oil.


Many healthcare professionals agree that nothing is better for your newborn baby than breast milk. Nutritionally speaking, it’s tailor-made for your infant. Unfortunately, sometimes mothers cannot breastfeed, due to medical problems or other special circumstances. Consult your pediatrician on how to feed your newborn most effectively.

 No matter how you decide to feed your baby, always be sure to hold your baby while feeding. The cuddling that comes with nursing and feeding helps in building a strong, loving bond between you and your baby.


Freshening your little one can be a great bonding experience after every bath and diaper change. You can use Baby Powder, that protects your baby's skin from excess moisture and leaves it soft and smooth. It eliminates friction while keeping skin cool and comfortable. Trust us, it’s a classic!


For those times when you’re out and about or when washing hands is simply not convenient, you can still comfortably keep your baby clean and fresh.  Baby Skincare Wipes help in keeping your baby's skin clean, while staying soft, supple and healthy.


Your baby’s sleep patterns change as she grows up. Newborns sleep through a major part of the 24 hours, waking up often during both day and night. Even so, you can still begin to develop a bedtime routine for your baby from as early as 6 to 8 weeks. Read up about how to take care of baby after birth and plan her sleep routine accordingly!

As your baby grows up she starts to develop a more concrete night-time sleep routine with fewer daytime “naps.” You can help her with this by teaching her that night-time is for sleep, and not play.

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